My friend asked me the other day if I had my word of the year picked out yet. I honestly had not even though about it because I had been so busy, but last night as I was waiting for the ball to drop on tv, I contemplated and made a list of words that I could use. There are lots and well, I tried to pick one but several spoke to me.

So, today I decided to fire up the Glowforge (we’ll talk about that in a few) and came up with something. I really couldn’t just pick one word, but I kept going back to three of them. Here is what I did…..I picked one of the three words that would be “my word” and then made the other two words slightly smaller. I also ended up engraving the rest of the words onto a round cutout. And then I added 2020 to the back.

I guess that makes Dedication my word of the year this year. The good thing is that I can be dedicated to all of the other words! I can be dedicated to Determination and Motivation. I can be dedicated to being present with my family and putting away the phone or iPad. I can be dedicated to worshipping and growing my faith. I can be dedicated to Happiness and being courageous, to hope and love and being passionate. I can be dedicated to be confident and committed and having patience. I can be dedicated to appreciating more and having a happy heart and being grateful!
I did realize after making this list that I forgot some words. A big one I forgot is fitness! But I am continuing to go to Weight Watchers weekly and I am dedicated to getting the last 15 or so pounds off that I’ve been struggling with.
Just for kicks today, I made this little Happy New Year 2020 piece. But to be honest, I was just trying out some settings on the Glowforge for Walnut Hardwood!

On to the Glowforge. I decided to make a business decision in November to purchase the Glowforge Pro. I still love my Inventables X-Carve, but man the Glowforge is amazing and can do so much! The younger Berry boys were super excited, with the older one thinking of business ideas for himself. Benjamin couldn’t wait to be the first one to press the magic button!!

I have made lots of lots of items on the Glowforge in the month that I have had it. I mean, LOTS! I have spent hours and hours upstairs (yes, we put it upstairs!) designing and creating! Below is a gift card holder I created for the Carolina Dirtdawgs 13U Team Manager. I put a gift card to my favorite coffee shop in it and then added it to a coffee mug filled with chocolates! She loved it!

Ornaments!!!! Most of my hours at the Glowforge have been making ornaments! I got lots and lots of ornament orders and I absolutely LOVED it! I had so much fun personalizing them! I found some of the files on Etsy, and I have created some of my own, but I will be creating more of my own files in the New Year! The next three photos are collages of ornaments that I made! Some were gifts and some were orders! I am very thankful for all of the orders that I have received and look forward to future orders!

In the new year, I will be putting together a new online shop, blogging more and creating on the Glowforge (and the X-Carve too)! I hope everyone has a Happy New Year filled with great health and happiness!
Until next time……